Principal Johnson: Educating, Encouraging, and Empowering

By Jan Osborn, Dallas Doing Good

As schools begin the new year, United to Learn (U2L), a Dallas-based nonprofit that partners with Dallas ISD elementary schools to accelerate student achievement and grow purposeful leaders, is gearing up by fulfilling thousands of teachers’ supply requests. Learning Launch, U2L’s annual supply and resource drive, equips Dallas elementary schools and classrooms for the first day of school and beyond.

U2L’s Learning Launch is Dallas’ only back-to-school supply drive that provides schools with teacher-requested learning resources and tools. In addition to providing educator-requested supplies, this year United to Learn is helping campuses with small campus projects that enhance the learning environment and aim to excite students about the start of school.

The program alleviates the financial and time burden of teachers and administrators who typically spend an average of $600 of their own money annually to backfill district and school budgets. We sat down with Dallas ISD’s Gooch Elementary School Principal, Principal Kermange Johnson to talk about her education journey and her experience working with United to Learn.

Thank you, Jan Osborn and Dallas Doing Good for this fantastic article!

To read the rest of the article click here.